
搜索"we are one"找到的小说 (Page1)

《We are friends》 / 深海甜鱼干 / 同人衍生

Ford V Ferrari - Carroll Shelby/Ken Miles 同人衍生 - 影视同人 - BL - 短篇

《You Are the One》 / 匿名咸鱼 / 同人衍生

- 同人衍生 - BL - 短篇 - 完结

《Desiree's Diary(Book One)》 / 德希蕾·克拉里 / 英文

...r story. Their names appear in the history books of Europe; but there they are dead people ----- and in Desiree's diary they are alive.Here we can see, through a woman's eyes, how history was made. She was there. She knew the men and women who made it. She almost married Napoleon himself.No one real...

《Magician's Nephew》 / C·S·刘易斯 / 英文

You are about to enter one of the most wonderful places in all of literature: C.S. Lewis' land of Narnia. This is the book that C.S. Lewis intended to be the first in his landmark series, The Chronicles of Narnia. Here we are introduced to Polly and Digory, who are tricked by Digory's uncle Andrew i...

《壹肆肆》 / SanTorm / 原创小说

We know where we are.
原创小说 - BL - 长篇 - 完结

《“爱上和仰慕”》 / 144 / 原创小说

We know who we are.
原创小说 - BL - 短篇 - 完结

《一句脏话一美元》 / 西线报告 / 同人衍生

BGM:在Hot One和For Your Entertainment之间反复横跳但“Are we fated, faithful, or fatal?”实在太劲了所以是玛丽莲曼森的《The Mephistopheles of Los Angels》

《[HP]我们的世界》 / 阿拆 / 言情

“Draco,are we still friends? ”
“ALways .”

《Where the Sidewalk Ends》 / 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 / 英文

INVITATIONIf you are a dreamer,come in,If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,A hoper-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...If you're a pretender, come sit by my fireFor we have some flax-golden tales to spin.Come in!Come in!

《【德哈】晶体记忆》 / 雷诺瓦 / 耽美

同人 / 男男 / 其他 / 微H / 正剧 / 科幻 / 青梅竹马
首发lof。德哈only作品,赛博朋克,仿生人,得到与失去。Born on the seventh morning, we are doomed to be alone.

《朝阳的少男心事》 / 半盏春瑕 / 同人衍生

We are soulmates.
隐秘[隐秘的角落] - 朝阳东升[朱朝阳/张东升] 同人衍生 - 影视同人
BL - 短篇 - 完结

《The Last Battle》 / C·S·刘易斯 / 英文

... the saga that began with The Magician's Nephew… Narnia … where dwarfs are loyal and tough and strong -- or are they? … where you must say good-bye … and where the adventure begins. The Unicorn says that humans are brought to Narnia when Narnia is stirred and upset. And Narnia is in trouble ...

